Tuesday, September 18, 2007

bf.. bf

yesterday a friend asked about my bf.. suddenly i realised that we have not seen each other for almost a week.. he sms-ed me one or twice during the weekdays but weekend was totally silence. me on my part, i would just keep quiet if he doesnt call/sms me..

i think these past few months, our 'whatever' is getting dull, no more excitement like it used to be. we dont spend time together anymore like we used to.. he would come and see me and left... he doesnt call, now sms pun dah kurang.

i guess this is the price that i have to pay!!!...

Friday, September 14, 2007

its me

What Norfaizah Means
N is for Nervy

O is for Odd

R is for Revolutionary

F is for Flirtatious

A is for Articulate

I is for Innocent

Z is for Zealous

A is for Articulate

H is for Healthy

I Was Born Under

Delicate, timid, and attractive - sometimes i really do act like a bunny.
I'm very compassionate and protective of those i love, sometimes too protective.
My home is really my castle, and i make sure my home is comfortable and well furnished. I don't like to argue - and i prefer a quiet, peaceful life.
I'm most compatible with a Goat or a Pig.

I'm the Middle Finger

A bit fragile and dependent on my friends, i'm not nearly as hostile as i seem.
I'm balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious.
However, i can get angry and fed up with those around me. And i'm aren't afraid to show it!
I get along well with: The Index Finger
Stay away from: The Pinky

I'm a Little Mess
I'm not the cleanest person in the world, but i'm definitely not a slob.
I clean up when i have the time, but i realistic about what i can get done.
Generally, i'm pretty organized and tidy - though i may have a few hidden messes.
I eventually get around to making things spotless, but i do it on your own schedule!
(this describe me well)

My Kissing Grade: B (B jek!!! ceh!!!)

You are a good kisser, and your kisses definitely leave a mark.
As you know, there's always room for a little improvement when it comes to kissing.
Try to figure out what your kissing partner really likes, and customize your kissing style just for them!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


today is 1st ramadhan 1428 tp aku tak dpt sambut puasa coz period.. dah 3 hari.. so blk kang blh gi pasar ramadhan, beli itu dan ini, sampai rumah blh terus mkn.. heheheh...

yesterday mlm pak yus dtg lepak rumah, layan... dah layan, ngantuk la plak kan... so layan tdo plak.. set alarm kul 3am coz need to send him & sahur sekali... last2 terjaga kul 5.. sian dia...
aku ok la, aku tak puasa & also aku mmg jenis tak sahur..

sent him & tdo balik.. sedar2 kul 935am.. lambat2!!!.. sampai office kul 10 something...

kekadang i feel so kesian/guilty about pak yus bila aku ajak dia lepak rumah.. he got to take a cab eventhough dia ada keta.. then balik samada aku antar or call cab... aku rasa mcm nyusahkan dia plak. but he mentioned, kalau dia rasa susah, then dia tak dtg, then i said ok...
so its mutual.. i like!!!

aku feel guilty gak kat bf.. rasa mcm jahat plak aku ni.. ada bf but still ada lelaki lain dtg rumah. eventhough tak buat apa2, tp tu kan tak manis.. heheheh sbb aku dah ada bf...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The whole last week i was on leave. Saje je ambik cuti, lepak2 rumah..

Monday light and easy je kat rumah
Tuesday lunch kat MO with K Lily & RT
Wednesday kidnapped Pak Yus, masak, makan.. pas mkn terus rasa nak demam... pas hantar pak yus balik, lg aku rasa mcm nak demam.. telan ubat sebijik dua, terus tidu.
Thursday demam!!! terus flat!! tak lalu mkn & minum.. tdo je... mlm bf dtg, dijaga oleh bf.. aku ckp ngan bf, sbb aku demam ni is bcoz kureng kasih syg from him
Friday lepak je, ok sket pun not 100% ok..
Saturday balik subang, ambik mak kat airport

the d whole story for the whole week... hehehehe.. idupku yg simple...

time tulis entry ni pun tak baik 100% lagi.. tekak ku teramat la sakit nyer!!! went to clinic with pak yus tadi.. hehehe... Pak yus dah officially divorced on 6/9.